Have you done some lower back workouts lately? You may be thinking that this is not important, but think again. All the efforts you’re putting in, to get into shape, all the countless hours spent in the gym, will all be put to waste if you don’t give some time to work on your stability and in keeping your lower back in good form.
Keep reading to know more about how important this is for your body and what kind of lower back workouts you need to do to get into total fitness.
Lower Back Workouts You Should Not Be Skipping
Doing lower back workouts is as important to your body’s well-being as other intense workouts. A strong lower back will keep you from getting injuries and is an integral factor in achieving holistic fitness. The goal of most fitness guides is to help you achieve a ripped body or that killer set of abs. But in the pursuit of an aesthetically-pleasing physique, we sometimes forget that fitness does not only cover the outer aspect of our body but health and inner wellness as well.
Here, let me share with you a set of lower back workouts you should not be skipping.
- 3 levels
- 2 exercises per level
Equipment Needed:
- Exercise Mat (optional)
- Dumbbell (for 3rd level)
The first level will show two basic Pilates lower back workouts. Pilates workouts are known to improve one’s flexibility and posture. The following exercise has a low spine impact or compression and is perfect for beginners. Let’s begin!
1. Pilates Imprint

Image via Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy Australia
Start by lying down on your back and bending your knees at a 90-degree angle. Place both of your arms on your side. Then slowly arch your back, bending it upward. Make sure you don’t lift your buttocks while doing so. Next, press down your back against the mat and press it as low as you possibly can. Inhale while you bend up and exhale when you press down. Repeat this cycle 10 times.
2. Pilates Swimmer
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This time, lie with your stomach against the floor. Start by slowly lifting your right hand and your left leg at the same time. Do the same thing with your left arm and your right leg, as if you’re swimming. This completes one cycle. Do this for ten to 20 cycles. Make sure that you keep your legs and your arms straight as you lift it up.
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If you’re a beginner you can keep a slow pace, but if you want a more intense workout you can increase the speed as you progress.
The 2nd level involves intermediate Pilates lower back workouts. It gives moderate impact or spine compression compared to the first two basic exercises.
1. Pilates Breast Stroke
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Just like the Pilates Swimmer, start by lying on your front. Next, arch your back up and lift both of your legs. Tuck your elbows to your side and then start extending your arms above your head, then moving it back, in a fluid motion, on your side. Touch the side of your hips as then repeat the process. Make sure that you keep your legs lifted. Repeat this for 10 cycles.
2. Pilates Back Bows
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After the Pilates breaststroke, remain on your position with your stomach against the floor. Then slowly lift both your legs and your arms at once while arching your back up. Keep your legs and arms straight while you lift them. Repeat this 10 times and make sure that you breathe properly all throughout the process.
The 3rd and final level involves high impact lower back workouts. Make sure that your back is in good condition before proceeding with these exercises. If you’re unsure, better check with your doctor first to avoid any injuries.
These following advance lower back workouts will require a dumbbell.
1. Bent-over Back Extension
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Begin with your feet apart in a standing position, holding the dumbbell in front with both arms against your chest. Next, slowly bend your upper body forward at a 90-degree angle, but keep your knees and legs straight. Then slowly lift your shoulders up while holding the dumbbells against your chest. Keep your torso and back in a straight position as well. Arch your back as you bend down keeping the same stance and posture. Repeat this for 10 cycles.
2. Bent-over Torso Rotations
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For the final stretch of our lower back workouts, begin with your feet apart and then bend your upper body forward to a 90-degree angle. Extend your arms forward while holding the dumbbell and make sure that you keep your legs and back straight. Then slowly, rotate your upper body as you hold the dumbbell forward. Do this alternately from left to right until you complete 10 cycles.
Watch this video from Fitness Blender to get the complete guide to these lower back workouts:
Remember that fitness isn’t just about having perfectly sculpted biceps or getting the full set of six-pack abs. If you don’t make time for lower back workouts or pay attention to your core and spinal strength, sooner or later your body will remind you of what you’ve been neglecting. Don’t wait for injuries or back pains to happen before you give these exercises a try. Now’s the right time to work on your total body wellness!
Check out for more fitness related topics here.
Do you have other recommended lower back workouts? Share your thoughts in the comments below!
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Featured Image via Men’s Fitness