You must have tried every possible workout to get those abs shredded. Getting six packs is one of the hardest things to develop in your body, so you need consistent, short and intense workouts incorporated into your regimen. Keep in mind that discipline is also one of the most important factors to achieve your goals.

Image via workoutroutinesmenwomen
Short, Intense Exercises To Bring Out Those Killer Abs
Workout Routines To Get Six Pack Abs
Most experts say that abs are made in the kitchen and while this is true, that is not the entire story. Let me introduce you to an ab workout made to build thicker abs. This is not the type of program that will develop six packs in just one week, but if you do this with a greater degree of intensity, you will certainly see noticeable improvements. What’s most important is the discipline, the food you eat, and consistency which is essential to a difficult task like working out your abs. All you really need is an exercise mat and you can start grinding.
1. 10 Rollups
Inhale, slowly curl your upper body off the floor to reach your knees. Inhale, then reverse the move, exhaling halfway down to return to start. Do this in ten repetitions.
2. 10 Plank Crunches
Begin with a traditional plank position with your forearms on the floor and your body perfectly straight. Move your hips as high as you can, then back to plank position with your elbows and feet firmly on the ground. Do this in ten repetitions.
3. 12 Side Plank Crunch
Lie on left side with left elbow on the floor beneath your left shoulder, and the other arm raised vertically. Move your hips down and up with your body positioning sideways, with left elbow firmly on the floor. Do this in twelve repetitions, then repeat the same exercise with your right elbows on the floor this time.
4. 10 Leg Ups
Lie on your back with both legs in vertical position. With both arms firm on the floor, reach as high as you can with both legs then back down to the initial body position. Do this in ten repetitions.
5. 10 Butterflies
Position your body with only your butt touching the floor, legs straight and arms extended to the sides. Bend your knees until it touches your chest with both arms closing in, then back to the original position. Do this in 10 repetitions.
6. 15 Toe Touches
Position your body with your back on the floor and legs raised vertically with arms pointing towards your toe. Reach for your toe with both hands, then back to the original position. Do this in fifteen repetitions.
7. 15 6-Inch Scissors
Begin by lying on the floor, face up, with your legs fully extended and your hands under your buttocks for support. Raise both feet six inches from the floor, then begin by raising your right leg 18 inches from the floor while keeping your left leg in the same position. Raise your left leg 18 inches this time while simultaneously lowering your right leg to the starting position. Continue the alternating leg movements for 15 repetitions.
8. 10 Second 6-Inch Hold
Lie on your back with legs straight and toes pointing to the ceiling. Raise your legs six inches off the ground and hold the elevated position for ten seconds.
9. 10 6-Inch Crunches
In your lying position and legs raised six inches off the ground, bend your knees towards your upper body then go back to the original position. Do this in ten repetitions.
10. 12 Supermans
Lie straight and face down on the floor, then simultaneously raise your arms, legs, and chest off of the floor and hold this contraction for 1 to 2 seconds. Slowly begin to lower your arms, legs, and chest back down to starting position. Do this in twelve repetitions.
11. 8 Single Leg Plank Crunch
Lower your body down to standard plank position. Lift one leg off of the floor then back down for eight repetitions. Do the same for the other leg with the same number of repetitions.
12. 10 Flutter Leg Lifts
Start by lying flat down on the floor with both arms by your sides. Extend your legs fully, lift your heels about 6 inches off the floor, then make small, rapid up and down scissor-like motion with your legs while simultaneously raising upward then back down to initial position. Do this in ten repetitions.
Here’s the whole workout video by Brendan Meyers to help you with the proper execution of the exercises.
There you have it. That was definitely a blistering routine for your abs in just about 5 minutes if done with minimal rest. You can do this every day or in between your regular gym workouts to further intensify your exercise regimen. This can also be classified as a cardio exercise so it helps develop your abs while getting your heart pumping at a faster rate. But keep in mind that your diet plays a very important role if you’re serious about seeing results of your hard work. Choosing the right foods to eat is the biggest challenge you’ll ever face.
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