Okay, so you’ve dated like 10, maybe 20 women in your life, and you think you’ve met all types of women. But I bet you’ve just been seeing different girls with similar personalities and traits.
So I’ve come up with a list of womanly personalities for you to use as a guide for your next search for Cupid’s arrow. And hopefully you’ll be able to find that one woman you’ll want to settle down with, and end the dating game with forever.
Read on to get to know more about the types of women men want to date.
7 Types of Women Every Man Should Date
Finding the woman for you doesn’t have to be a lifelong struggle. Not when you know what you want and what you deserve.
It also helps when you’ve got someone like me who can help you get to know the 7 types of women you should be dating. Not all the same time, of course.
1. The Sophisticated City Gal

image via dailymail
Out of all the types of women, she’s the one known to be hot, funny, and spontaneous. She’s the type whom everyone wants to be, and everyone wants to be with.
It takes a lot of self-confidence to date a sophisticated urbanite. She knows how to make you feel amazing just by making the world know she’s yours.
2. The Artsy Hipster

image via fashiontrend
She’s exciting, cool, artistic, and stylish. But not in the sense that’s too intimidating.
If you’re more of the nerdy or the intellectual type who cares about culture, you’ll be the perfect couple! You’ll love learning more about art and music with her.
3. The Free-Spirited Girl

image via prairieyogamagazine
She’s a woman who’s all about creating deep connections with life, experiences, and the man she’s dating. She has an alternative view about everything which creative and equally deep men find refreshing.
But one thing to remember about types of women like her is when you love her, you ought to love her lifestyle too.
4. The Alpha Female

image via zanita
She’s that independent woman who can change a light bulb on her own, if needed.
Types of women like her are pretty tough to keep up with. And ironically, it’s not the alpha male who’s meant for her. You gotta have the outlook of a man who’s not as interested in power play as she is.
5. The Seductress

image via meganfox86
The seductress is undeniable the best kisser you’ll ever meet. She’s very intense and deeply verbal. Independent, strong men will learn more about themselves with the seductress.
Men find her self-confidence incredibly sexy.
6. The Happy Homemaker

image via moviemaker
Types of women like her want to have your kids. It’s her dream to take care of you and the family you’ll build together.
If you’re craving for stability and being the head of a family, you’ll find satisfaction in being with the happy homemaker.
7. The Brainy Chick

image via mrgammon
In the dating game, looks often trump intelligence—guys go for hotties rather than girls who can stand their ground in a heated debate. This is really a shame, since not only can the sharp ones keep your mind from turning to putty, they can help you appreciate all facets of a woman.
“Men are so often intimidated by smart women—they have vulnerable egos and never want to feel as if any woman is showing them up,” says Dr. Gilda. Sure, dating a woman who can beat you at chess or argue circles around you about Middle East politics might be a bit of a blow to your ego at first, but ultimately you’ll grow from it.
Now you have an idea of the types of women to date, why not learn about those you shouldn’t from this video by theDOMINICshow:
So there you have it, a guide to all 7 types of women you should date. But of course, if it’s the heart that beckons, you’ll know her type is the one for you forever!
Just make sure you both have fun, and that you treat her right.
So, what type of girl are you looking for? Let me know by leaving a comment below!
Wanna learn more about women and dating? Check this out!
Featured Image via J8Summit