Some people say that the quickest way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. I think that is also the reason why some women dig guys who can cook, especially if he knows how to cook of the most expensive food in the world. Truffles are known to be the most expensive food in the world that could cost more than $2000 per pound. So what makes these delicacies insanely expensive? A lot of countries have tried cultivating truffles with very limited success. It’s the unique combination of European land and weather that creates the rich earthy flavor of these delicious underground fungi. Truffles are so precious that even some organized crimes made their own way through the truffle trade to operate their own brand of business. The scarcity and high price of truffles make it difficult for the lawless to look away.
Truffles – The Most Expensive Food In The World
Considered as culinary gems in the world of luxury food, the top truffles in the food business are the Alba White Truffles from Italy and the Perigord Black Truffles from France. You can’t just plant seeds on the ground to make these and they’re extremely hard to cultivate. That explains why a 2-pound white truffle was sold for a staggering amount of $330,000 at a Macau auction in 2010. I wonder how the person who bought that truffle felt after spending so much money on food – let alone food that you can’t really store for a long time. You only have seven days to store a truffle before it loses all its flavor and rot.
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Check out this two most expensive truffles in the world :
Alba White Truffle

Image via openrice
The famously aromatic Italian White Truffle is difficult to cultivate, thus, explains the hefty price tag.
Perigord Black Truffle

Image via ginjafood
A two-ounce Perigord Black Truffle could cost at an average of $250, the second most expensive type of truffle that is cultivated in France.
Truffles have been around for thousands of years and were a big hit in ancient Babylon, Greece, and Rome. It is also said that Napoleon ate truffles to increase his masculine potency. Recent studies show a considerable decrease in the production of truffles each year due to climate change, which means these tasty treats still depend on how humans nurture the environment in order to survive.
“Whosoever says truffle, utters a grand word, which awakens erotic and gastronomic ideas….” – Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin/Physiology of Taste
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