Men, in particular, are prone to grooming mistakes.After all, there’s no pressure to look good all the time, right? WRONG! A major portion of our time is spent outside where we physically stand close to other people. If you want to look good all the time, you need to follow these grooming advice for men and avoid the following mistakes.
Men Grooming Tips Part 1: Avoid These Grooming Mistakes
Common Grooming Mistakes Among Men
Always be clean-shaven: that was the first piece of grooming advice for men that I received from my dad when I grew out a stubble. Let’s be honest, though we want to look as rugged and as musky as possible, it’s always a good idea to be well-groomed. Unkempt hair, long fingernails, unshaven beard, and even overuse of cologne are signs of lack of proper grooming. To avoid future embarrassment, check out these grooming mistakes and find out which of these you are guilty of.
1. Take it easy on the cologne

Image via Ties
Take it easy when you’re using perfume. There’s a reason why laundry detergents have sweet scents. Combining your shirt’s scent with an overabundance of cologne can be much worse than body odor. Trust me…
2. Not wearing deodorant or antiperspirant

Image via thesuisseclinic
Some guys think they don’t stink when they actually do. You’ll never know when you’re in a crowded place, the heat makes you sweat and then you start to smell. Nothing’s more embarrassing than people around you start to distance themselves while covering their noses.
3. Unkempt Toenails

Image via alfa-img
Clean nails do not only apply to your fingers but also for your toes. Untrimmed and unkempt toenails are definitely not nice to look at. Just because it’s part of your feet does not give it an excuse to be dirty. How you care for your fingernails should also be the same for your toenails.
4. Chest hair peeking out of your collar

Image via jfjsthunksisters
It’s not cool to have chest hair creeping out of your shirt’s collar. You’re not Tom Selleck. Trim it with a pair of scissors or a clipper for a more even and neater look.
5. Delayed haircut

Image via flickr
The hair on your head is probably the fastest growing hair on your body. Not having a regular haircut will make you look sloppy, and nobody wants to look sloppy. It’s best to schedule a haircut every month to keep your hair neat and clean.
6. Not understanding the beard game

Image via shortlist
If you don’t have enough hair on your face to grow a beard, then don’t try to have anything on your face at all. But being able to grow a beard doesn’t mean you’ll just allow it to grow until you look like a homeless man or Gandalf the Grey. Keep it nice, neat, and well-groomed.
7. Nose and Ear hair negligence

Image via craveonline
Just because you can’t see it doesn’t mean it’s not there. Trimming your nose hair is necessary grooming for men. You can use small grooming scissors for this, but be careful not to go too far as these hairs are beneficial.
8. Not moisturizing your face

Image via ushealthandfitness
Failure to moisturize will cause your face to prematurely age and develop unwanted wrinkles. I recommend that you moisturize your face twice a day right after washing. There’s an appeal in men who look 10 years younger than their actual age.
9. Brushing too hard

Image via thedailyfloss
Brushing your teeth too hard can make your gums bleed. Brush with minimal force and consider using a toothbrush with softer bristles.
Watch this funny take on grooming mistakes by alpha m.
These are the common grooming mistakes that men do and it should be avoided. Well, it does remind me of something that I’ve been doing for quite a while now and I honestly wouldn’t have thought of it to be wrong until recently. I’d rather keep that to myself, though.
Click here for more grooming related articles.
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