Amid the Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie breakup, Brad first gained recognition as the sexy J.D. in Thelma & Louise in 1991 and later cemented his reputation as Hollywood’s hottest actors in Legends of the Fall three years later. The 52-year-old actor has played diverse characters in his nearly 40 years in Tinseltown. Amid the breakup and divorce with Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt has kept his stoic silence even after the accusations of child abuse and alcoholism. That’s a gentleman thing to do, not badmouthing his wife and airing their dirty laundry in public. Perhaps, there’s a lesson to be gleaned from his many movie characters that can help him survive this dark episode in his life.
Lessons That Brad Pitt Can Take From His Movie Characters Amid Angelina Jolie Breakup
Fight Club. Meet Joe Black. Se7n. Troy. Ocean’s Eleven. World War Z. These are just some of the movies Brad Pitt has starred in over the years. And who can forget Mr. & Mrs. Smith, especially in the face of the breakup with Angelina Jolie. That’s where the two met and reportedly fell in love.

Image via Train Body and Mind
What Brad Pitt can learn about his Irish character is integrity. Mickey O’Neil is a boxer with a mean fist caught in the underground bare knuckles fighting. Criminals try to control him by bribing and threatening him to throw away the fight. But he’s willing to risk his health because he could never do the bidding of shadowy organizations. Tabloids may offer Brad Pitt riches to spill the beans on Angelina Jolie, but integrity would prevent him from selling out.

Image via IMDB
Oakland A’s general manager Billy Beane may not be good at numbers, but he’s a good spotter of talent. So he hired math whiz Peter Brand to come up with statistical data in order to come up with a winning formula for victories. With the breakup and ensuring divorce from Angelina Jolie, God knows Brad Pitt needs to crunch a lot of numbers right now for the alimony and child support.

Image via Brad Pitt Web
What he can learn from Gerry Lane is that family is important, even in the middle of the Zombiecalypse. Even if the breakup from Angelina Jolie may become ugly, it’s crucial that Brad Pitt understands that the children should be the priority and that means his feelings should take a backseat to make sure their six kids are alright.

Image via Elmundo
What Brad Pitt can learn from his character Benjamin Button is that you don’t give up on love, even if life has dealt us a bad hand. In this case, Benjamin Button and the love of his life, Daisy (Cate Blanchett), seemed destined for heartache. They almost have to meet at the perfect time because he ages backward, unlike the rest of us. The breakup from Angelina Jolie may be heartbreaking, but love should endure.

Image via Oscar Favorite
Tyler Durden exists for anarchy as revenge to society for what he perceived to be the emasculation of men. He also thinks that we’ve become robots who are only alive to feed the machine. Forget the violence for a second, the underlying theme here is if you allow it, you just might lose your individuality because of the public pressure to act, say and feel the way society perceives you to be. Brad Pitt right now is an actor, father, and future divorcee as a result of the breakup from Angelina Jolie. And it’s easy to get lost in those roles. But first and foremost, he’s a man.

Image via Popsugar
It’s the age-old story of underdogs who battled the odds so they could look themselves in the mirror right before they go to sleep, nod, and say, “Yes sir, you did a good job today!” The breakup from Angelina Jolie and the children are not the only thing on Brad Pitt’s mind, there’s also the FBI reportedly looking into accusations of child abuse. Plus tanks. Against all odds, there’s nothing that can make you feel better than a badass 30-ton M4 Sherman.
Watch the video below from TMZ on the shocking news about the Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie breakup:
What are your thoughts about the Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie breakup? I personally admire Brad as an actor and some of my all-time favorite movies are from the actor himself. I want to know how you felt after hearing the news of their divorce. Tell me in the comments below.
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